"The McGonagirls"

We're a group of middle-school girls in the Tahoma School District who have created this blog dedicated to breast cancer awareness.

My brothers and me, joining the fight during
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 2016. 

I'm Rebecca. In August 2016, my mom went in for her regular mammogram. Her doctors gave her the option of choosing an older 2-D technology, or the newer 3-D technology, the latter of which was not covered by our insurance company. She paid for the newer option out of pocket, and they discovered that she had breast cancer.  Last year, before 3-D was available in our area, 2-D imaging of the same location only showed a reflection of the dense tissue where the cancer is located.  The doctors believe it was caught early, but cannot be sure if it was there last year.

This reveals a significant disadvantage for many who don't have the resources to pay the out-of-pocket expenses without the help of insurance companies. So we've decided to send a respectful petition request to a few major insurance companies, asking them to please reconsider their policies against covering the 3-D test.

Please feel free to share your positive thoughts via the submissions fields on the right and/or add your name to our petition.

A special shout out to Lizzy A and Alex L, who go to different schools in our district, but are still helping out!

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